Transcending oceans: It means exploring new values. It means developing ourselves. It means to keep challenging ourselves.


Transcending oceans: It means exploring new values. It means developing ourselves. It means to keep challenging ourselves.

If you open the borderline of your mind You can CONNECT with the world anytime.

We commend you for your courage in taking your first big step.

In the real world, neither your level of English skills nor your scores on each test matter.

Let's share time for personal growth by stimulating each other and experiencing new values.

Crossing the ocean:
It is a challenge to grow ourselves. By encountering new values, confronting oneself, and taking on challenges by meeting new values, confronting ourselves, and taking on new challenges, we can all grow.

We will help you meet that challenge.

Join us on a journey of self-development using English as a tool.







私達はあなたをその価値ある挑戦に導く  お手伝いをします。


English is the power to expand your possibilities and make your dreams come true.English is the power to expand your possibilities and make your dreams come true.

Such as "A-un breathing," "reading between the lines," "reading the air," and "hearing one and knowing ten,

Japan has a delicate and wonderful culture of deepening understanding without words.

For non-verbal communication other than words,

It differs from Western culture in the way it wraps "compassion" around each other and brings them closer together.

Even if you don't understand English grammar perfectly, even if your pronunciation is habitual, even if your vocabulary is lacking,

through the English experience, we will gain a deeper understanding of this proud Japanese culture and spirit,

and above all, your wonderful personality and sensibility,

You can confidently communicate in your own words in Japan and around the world.

And that experience can be accompanied by personal growth!

We are here to support you.





through the English experience, we will gain a deeper understanding of this proud Japanese culture and spirit,

and above all, your wonderful personality and sensibility,自信を持って「自分の言葉」で日本で、そして世界で、発信することが出来ます。


We are here to support you.



私たちConnect Abroad は、「英語」をツールとして、自己啓発の旅にでかけるあなたを手助けする為にここにあります。

English is a tool to connect with people from all over the world. Learning English does not end with mere language study. By coming into contact with new cultures and values, you can make yourself shine with new charm, and by facing yourself, you can achieve personal growth. It is also a journey of self-development where you will be able to enjoy your life richly and confidently after several challenges.

私たちConnect Abroad は、「勇気 COURAGE」、「挑戦 CHALLENGE」、「自信 CONFIDENTという それぞれ英単語の「C 」で始まる3つの要素を築き上げる事に重点を置いています。

1. Have COURAGE and take action:

2. CHALLENGE yourself, no matter how old you are:   いくつになっても新しいことに挑戦して欲しい

3. Build CONFIDENT relationships with people from all over the world and live a rich life in your own way: 世界の人々と自信を持って人間関係を築き、自分らしく人生を豊かに過ごして欲しい

These three "C"s reflect such a message.

CHALLENGE your limits, build your CONFIDENCE, and find COURAGE to achieve your dreams with using English:    英語を学ぶことを通して、勇気をもって新しい事に挑戦し、世界の人々と自信を持って交流することで、自分の人生をさらに充実させ、夢を実現させることができます。

We believe that through your English experience, you will develop these 3 C's, and your life will be richer and brighter.

In our program, native U.S. speaking instructors will help you learn English and hone your thinking, expression and leadership skills through small group discussions and debates.

And we can work with you one-on-one to develop your skills to meet your needs.

In addition, through the seminars, you can gain knowledge and expand your world by listening to lectures by people who are active in various fields.

Furthermore, we offer advice on learning English and support to keep you motivated.

By learning English,

  • You will be exposed to new values and face yourself.
  • You will gain cross-cultural understanding and cross-cultural communication skills.
  • Find new friends and business partners.
  • You can travel the world and enjoy new experiences at any age.
  • You can maximize your potential and realize your dreams.
  • You can take online courses worldwide to satisfy your professional and advanced intellectual pursuits.
  • Increases the possibility of a career change and career advancement opportunities.

Now, what would you add here that you are now able to do?


私たち Connect  Abroad は、自己啓発の旅にでかけるあなたをサポートする為にここにあります。

English is a tool to connect with people from all over the world. Learning English does not end with mere language study. By coming into contact with new cultures and values, you can make yourself shine with new charm, and by facing yourself, you can achieve personal growth. It is also a journey of self-development where you will be able to enjoy your life richly and confidently after several challenges.

私たちConnect Abroad は、

「勇気 COURAGE」、「挑戦 CHALLENGE」、「自信 CONFIDENTという それぞれ英単語の「 C 」で始まる3つの要素を築き上げる事に重点を置いています。

1. Have COURAGE and take action:

2. CHALLENGE yourself, no matter how old you are: いくつになっても新しい事に挑戦して欲しい                       

3. Build CONFIDENT relationships with people from all over the world and live a rich life in your own way:

These three "C"s reflect such a message.

CHALLENGE your limits, build your CONFIDENCE, and find COURAGE to achieve your dreams with using English:


We believe that through your English experience, you will develop these 3 C's, and your life will be richer and brighter.

In our program, native U.S. speaking instructors will help you learn English and hone your thinking, expression and leadership skills through small group discussions and debates.



Furthermore, we offer advice on learning English and support to keep you motivated.

By learning English,

  • You will be exposed to new values and face yourself.
  • You will gain cross-cultural understanding and cross-cultural communication skills.
  • Find new friends and business partners.
  • You can travel the world and enjoy new experiences at any age.
  • You can maximize your potential and realize your dreams.
  • You can take online courses worldwide to satisfy your professional and advanced intellectual pursuits.
  • Increases the possibility of a career change and career advancement opportunities.

Now, what would you add here that you are now able to do?

Here We Go

私たち、 Connect Abroad のゴールは英語を話せるようになることではありません。
To broaden the scope of human beings by allowing them to think about things from new perspectives.
Feel the joy of continuing to challenge yourself.
Build relationships openly and without inferiority complexes.
I found myself speaking English.
Let's work together to achieve such a goal.

Here We Go
